“local communities”

Seasonal Bushmeat Hunger in the Congo Basin

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La viande des uns, la faune des autres: Analyse anthropologique de la conservation de la faune dans trop village Dadjoue de la zone forestiere de l'Est-Cameroun

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Extreme citizen science: Lessons learned from initaitves around the globe

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Visions from Local Populations for Livelihood-Based Solutions to Promote Forest Conservation Sustainability in the Congo Basin

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Impact of forest logging in the Dja Biosphere Reserve Cameroon

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An ethnobotanical study of medicinial plants among the Baka pygmies in the Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon

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Smallholder Resource Management Strategies: A Framework for Building Sustainability in the Camroon Rainforest

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Impact of Village Hunting on Wildlife Populations in the Western Dja Reserve, Cameroon

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Forest related conflicts in South-East Cameroon: causes and policy options

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